Feature Film Competition 2024

Feature Film Competition 2024c

For the Feature Film Competition, 12 films will be selected and will continue the tradition of presenting the best international, independent, and auteur cinema; the 2023 edition saw the triumph of the Chechen film “The Cage is Looking for a Bird” by Malika Musaeva triumph, and the selection team, coordinated by Stefano Giorgi, Martino Martinelli, and Mattia Fiorino, is about to choose the best international works produced between 2023 and 2024.

The participating works will compete for the awards of € 3,000 for Best Feature Film, awarded by three juries composed of prominent names in the film industry, for the awards of the Student Jury, the Popular Jury, and the Marcello Petrozziello Award, given by the Press Jury.

The registration deadline for the Competition, available on the FilmFreeway and FestHome portals, is open until July 31, 2024.

Lucca Film Festival

Made possible thanks to the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio Foundation.

With the participation of the Ministry of Culture – General Directorate of Cinema and Audiovisual, the Municipality of Lucca and Vivi Lucca Events, and with the co-participation of The Lands of Giacomo Puccini and the Chamber of Commerce Tuscany North – West.

Banca Generali Private Wealth Management (Paolo Tacchi) and Banca Pictet are the Main Sponsors of the event and the exhibitions.

The festival also benefits from the support of Miur, Tuscany Region, Fondazione Sistema Toscana, Manifatture Digitali Cinema, Sofidel, Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca, Fondazione Giacomo Puccini, and Puccini Museum – Casa Natale, Audi Center Terigi Tenuta del Buonamico, Naturanda, Martinelli Luce, Futuro3D, Tecno Servizi, Ristorante Giglio, Palazzo Pfanner, Teatro del Giglio, ConfCommercio Lucca and Massa Carrara, and the collaboration and co-production of Over The Real, Teatro del Giglio di Lucca, Fondazione Giacomo Puccini, and Puccini Museum – Casa Natale, Casa d’arte San Lorenzo, Accademia Cinema Toscana; Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara, Istituto Luigi Boccherini, and Liceo Artistico Musicale e Coreutico Augusto Passaglia, Liceo Classico N. Machiavelli, ISIS Pertini. Thanks also to Rai Toscana, Rai Radio 3, Movieplayer.it, Film4 Life, Festival Scope, A.C.S.I. Associazione Centri Sportivi Italiani, Federazione Italiana Teatro Amatori (FITA), Trenitalia, Fic, Uicc, Cinit, Ucca, Arci, Fedic, Corte Tripoli, Circolo del Cinema di Lucca, Cineforum Ezechiele 25:17, Cinema Centrale, Astra e Moderno, Cinema Arsenale, Octocom, University of Pisa, University of Florence, Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti Foundation, Pisa al Cinema, Cinema Arsenale, Bologna Cineteca, National Cineteca, Luigi Boccherini Music Institute, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Italy, Association Women at the Last Shout, SPAM! Network for contemporary arts, Lucca Comics & Games, Photolux Festival, Lucca Classica Music Festival.

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