Award to Kim Rossi Stuart

Kim Rossi Stuart

Kim Rossi Stuart was born in Rome on October 31st, 1969. He made his debut on the big screen at just five years old in the film “The Murri Affair” (1974) directed by Mauro Bolognini. At the age of fourteen, he left school to fully dedicate himself to acting, and the following year he was among the main cast members of the TV film “I ragazzi della valle misteriosa” (1984) by Marcello Aliprandi, starring alongside Alessandro Haber and Veronica Logan, who would become his girlfriend for several years. In 1986, he got a small role in the film “The Name of the Rose” by Jean-Jacques Annaud, and in 1987, he was chosen to play Anthony Scott in “The Boy in the Golden Kimono”. Success, however, came with the TV series “Fantaghirò” (1991-1994) directed by Lamberto Bava, inspired by an old Italian folktale (Fanta-Ghirò the Beautiful), which made him an idol of the female audience. In 1993, he played Vincenzo Bellini in the miniseries “The Family Ricordi” by Mauro Bolognini, and the following year he was Claudio Amendola’s partner in the series “Policemen” (1994). During these years, he alternated between television and some important theatrical roles, including Edmund in Shakespeare’s “King Lear” (1994) directed by Luca Ronconi, the protagonist in Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt’s “The Visitor” (1996) directed by Antonio Calenda and, also under Calenda’s direction, he portrayed Hamlet in the 1998-1999 season. He began to receive praise from film critics thanks to his notable role in Michelangelo Antonioni and Wim Wenders’ film “Beyond the clouds” (1995), and especially for his acclaimed performance in “No Skin” (1996) by Alessandro D’Alatri, who also chose him for the role of Jesus in the film “The Garden of Eden” (1998). On television, he starred in the miniseries “The Red and the Black” (1997), based on Stendhal’s novel of the same name, and worked on the series “Uno Bianca” (2001) directed by Michele Soavi. In 2003, he received a nomination for Best Supporting Actor at the David di Donatello awards for his successful performance as Candlewick in “Pinocchio” by Roberto Benigni. However, his real consecration came with Gianni Amelio’s “The Keys to the House” (2004), which earned him a Nastro d’argento award, and with Michele Placido’s “Romanzo Criminale” (2005), garnering him another nomination for Best Actor at the David di Donatello awards. In 2006, he made his directorial debut with the film “Along the Ridge”, presented at the Cannes Film Festival. In 2008, he starred alongside Antonio Albanese in “A Question of the Heart” by Francesca Archibugi, showcasing his skills in transitioning between dramatic and comic tones and receiving widespread acclaim from both the public and critics. In 2010, he played the role of Renato Vallanzasca in the film “Angel of Evil” directed by Michele Placido, for which he won the Nastro d’argento award for Best Actor. His performances in “Those Happy Years” (2013), “Wondrous Boccaccio” (2015) and “The Best Years” (2020) were also remarkable. In 2016, after the excellent and award-winning debut with “Along the Ridge”, he returned behind the camera for “Tommaso” and so did six years later with “Brado” (2022).


Domenica 1 ottobre settembre 2023 ore 17.30
Cinema Astra – Lucca


Domenica 1 ottobre 2023 ore 21.00
Cinema Astra – Lucca


Domenica 1 ottobre 2023 a seguire
Cinema Astra – Lucca

Proiezione Film
Kim Rossi Stuart, Italia 2022, 117’, col.
Presenta Kim Rossi Stuart

Venerdì 29 settembre 2023 ore 21.00
Auditorium San Micheletto – Lucca

Proiezione Film
Kim Rossi Stuart, Italia, 2006, 108’, col.

Domenica 1 ottobre 2023 ore 15.00
Auditorium San Micheletto – Lucca

Proiezione Film
Kim Rossi Stuart, Italia, 2016, 97’, col.