Isabelle Huppert - Maureen K © 2022 GuyFerrandis LeBureauFilms

Award to Isabelle Huppert

Film Notes

Original Title: La Syndicaliste

Country, year: Francia, 2022
Duration: 121′
Color: colore

Director: Jean-Paul Salomé

Cast: Isabelle Huppert, Grégory Gadebois, François-Xavier Demaison, Pierre Deladonchamps, Alexandra Maria Lara, Gilles Cohen, Marina Foïs, Yvan Attal

Screenplay: Jean-Paul Salomé, Fadette Drouard

Photography: Julien Hirsch

Film editing: Valérie Deseine, Aïn Varet

Music: Bruno Coulais

Production: Heimatfilm, France 2 Cinema, Restons Groupés Product., Les Films Du Camélia


Screening info

  Location: Cinema Astra | Date: 25/09/2023 Time 21.00

Lungometraggio | –


Lifetime achievement award to ISABELLE HUPPERT

Followed by a screening of the film


Being the prominent union representative of a multinational corporation opens doors to the highest levels of industry and politics. But when you try to hinder the interests of the powerful, the backlash can be brutal, especially if you are a woman in a world dominated by men. This is the true story of Maureen Kearney, who was attacked and humiliated in her own home. Distraught, Maureen is initially listened to and protected. However, the investigation is carried out under pressure, and doubt begins to grow in the minds of the investigators: from being the victim, the woman finds herself becoming the prime suspect. Unbelieved, vilified, treated both as a liar and a visionary, Maureen will have to do everything in her power to prove her truth.

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