La Mer Et Ses Vagues - Pic

The Sea And Its Waves

Film Notes

Original Title: La Mer Et Ses Vagues

Country, year: Libano, Francia, 2023
Duration: 83′
Color: colore

Director: Liana and Renaud

Cast: Mays Mustafa, Roger Assaf, Mohammed Al Ammari, Hanane Hajj-Ali

Screenplay: Liana and Renaud

Photography: Mark Khalife

Film editing: Chaghig Arzoumanian

Music: Zeid Hamdan

Production: Kafard Films, Monkey Business Virals

Premiere: ITALIANA

Screening info

  Location: Cinema Centrale | Date: 27/09/2023 Time 17.30

Lungometraggio | –


On a full moon night, the young Najwa and the musician Mansour reach Beirut. They follow the trail of smugglers to join a woman on the other side of the sea. A few streets away, Selim, the old lighthouse keeper, tries to repair the electricity of his neighborhood.

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