The Dunes Said - Cover

The Dunes Said

Film Notes

Original Title: The Dunes Said

Country, year: Germania, 2021
Duration: 23′
Color: colore

Director: Maya Connors

Cast: Rosemarie Gesell, Sonja Thomys



Film editing:


Production: Maya Connors, Louis Fried, Philipp Hartmann


Screening info

  Location: Auditorium Vincenzo da Massa Carrara di Lucca | Date: 28/09/2022 Time 09.30

Cortometraggio | Documentario


Attempting to apply a law from physics that explains the formation of sand dunes as an intuitive structure, “The Dunes Said” intertwines various images and ways of telling stories to create a dense sensory journey.
Setting of the film is the Argentinean coastal town Villa Gesell which was built on sand dunes in the 1930s.
The film delves into the town’s origins, creating a parallel fiction in which a report on sand dune memory opens up to let us ponder wider themes of the relationship between humans and nature, from multiple perspectives, fragmentary.

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