The Wet Nurse - Cover

The Wet Nurse

Film Notes

Original Title: La Nourrice

Country, year: Francia, 2021
Duration: 16′
Color: colore

Director: Arnold de Parscau

Cast: Marie-Reine Poyteau, Agathe de Parscau

Screenplay: Arnold de Parscau


Film editing:


Production: Marie-Reine Poyteau, Arnold de Parscau


Screening info

  Location: Cinema Centrale | Date: 30/09/2022 Time 17.30

Cortometraggio | –


In 1900, Marie sells pancakes made with mother’s milk on the market of a small Breton village. The recipe is all the rage and all the villagers become addicted. One day Marie ran out of milk. But the peasants still ask for more. They are going to make her go through an ordeal to continue to consume this precious resource that they consider inexhaustible.

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